be good to me

美 [bi ɡʊd tu mi]英 [bi ɡʊd tu mi]
  • 网络对我好
be good to mebe good to me
  1. Please be good to me !


  2. You should be good to me , you know !


  3. Be good to me , for it went for you .


  4. You meant to be good to me , I know , but it is a fish that does not agree with me .


  5. And Micah said ," Now I know that the LORD will be good to me , since this Levite has become my priest . "


  6. And those who loved accidentally , those who accidentally love everyone be good to me , was to force , they will study is to force to just go !


  7. Wouldn 't it be good to give me back my gun ?


  8. Just ask the Admiral if he will be good enough to drop me a note .


  9. Be good enough to forward me a statement of your account , for which please find a stamped envelope enclosed . We only supply that account on pro forma .


  10. A long , long time ago , when I was going to tell him that if he is just one of my illness , don 't be a good thing to me , since I was a fool , I am very stupid , I will take it seriously .


  11. Perhaps you would be good enough to write to me .


  12. You will be so good as to give me timely advice of the shipment , state the possible cost in effect the insurance .


  13. Will you be so good as to give me a penny , for I am faint with hunger ?


  14. My ability to be trained in any area would definitely be a good reason to hire me to work for this firm .
